Ironman Links

Julie Moss ABC Video coverage of Julie Moss 'crawling' in Hawaii Ironman 1982
Chris Legh Gatorade More epic Hawaii Ironman 'meltdown' from a Gatorade commercial.
Ironman History Media Player Video footage of the history of the Hawaii Ironman.
IMH2004 Bornskinny Normann Stadler wins the big kahuna.
"What It Takes" Promo. Promotional video for forthcoming film on training for Hawaii Ironman.
Swim Bike Run Ironmanlive 2005 Hawaii Ironman in full.
Swim Bike Run Ironmanlive 2006 Hawaii Ironman in full.
IMH Course Explorer Ironmanlive Trip around the Hawaii course in a thinly veiled Ford ad.

Web Pages
Dictionary Definition TheFreeDictionary Online dictionary definition with links.
Ironman InspirationTrizilla Equipment First two years in Hawaii by Barry McDermott for Sports Illustrated 1979.
Ironman History Ironmanlive Potted history of the Hawaii Ironman.
Ironman 'Factoids'Ironmanlive Little known bits of trivia from the home page for the Hawaii Ironman.
Gender DifferencesPeak Performance Surprising results of energy intake study of males and females in Ironman.
The Age Advantage Joe Bonness This man is an inspiration. I like this article.
Joe Bonness Triathletes Online Joe's website and results - and some results!
Cold Comfort in a Beer Shasta Explorer Account of Chucky's 1999 Hawaii Ironman experience.
IMH 1999 Results Ironmanlive Official results from Hawaii Ironman 1999.
Chucky's Blog Chucky V Combination of sound advice and humour around Ironman and more.


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